Catalyst Grants

Helping Nonprofit Organizations Bring Ideas to Life

Imagine what your nonprofit organization could do with $30,000.

Kennebec Savings Bank knows there are creative concepts floating around your organization that you have had to set aside because you may not have the means to make them happen. Now is your chance: we want to help bring your ideas to life!

Mansion building

Two local nonprofit organizations will be awarded $30,000 over three years to achieve their goal and build capacity.

The mission of the Kennebec Savings Bank Catalyst Grant is to spark creativity and add capacity within local nonprofit organizations, leading to the betterment of the programs and services offered in the communities where we live, work and play.

Catalyst Grant Application

Man and woman shaking hands.

Grant Guidelines

No purchase necessary to enter or win this grant.

  • Project must benefit Kennebec Savings Bank's service area;
  • Application must demonstrate organizational support for the project, such as a letter of support from the executive director and board leadership;
  • Application may cover use of funds for (but is not limited to):
    • minor construction,
    • the purchase of supplies or capacity building equipment,
    • purchase of a specific service that supports the goal.
Applications will not be considered for the following:
  • support of special events, fundraisers, annual or capital campaigns
  • non-profit board training, consulting or fundraising
  • funds to retire debt
  • funds to hire permanent staff


This application is open to 501(c)(3) organizations only. Employees, officers, and directors of Kennebec Savings Bank and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, promotion or advertising agencies, and members of their immediate family are ineligible to participate.

How to Apply

Applications for the Catalyst Grant are available on the KSB website through the online portal. In order to be considered, all questions on the application must be completed by August 31, 2024.
Woman sitting on floor with laptop.
Man looking at camera with coffee and laptop.

Application Process

The Catalyst Grant provides 501(c)(3) nonprofits located in the Kennebec Savings Bank service area with two $30,000 one-time grants, which are disbursed over three consecutive years. The purpose of the grant is to assist nonprofit organizations in achieving an objective it has not otherwise been able to pursue.

  • Application: Applications for the Catalyst Grant are available on the KSB website through the online portal. In order to be considered, all questions on the application must be completed by August 31, 2024.
  • Competitive Process: A Catalyst Grant Committee comprised of nine Bank employees will consider all applicants. Using Catalyst Grant criteria as its framework, this ad hoc group will decide which two applicants will receive funds. Decisions made by the group will be considered final.
  • Questions: For additional information on this grant, please contact Amanda Cooley, Vice President and Marketing & Communications Officer, at (207) 622-5801.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the deadline to apply?

Applications are typically due August 31 of each year.

What is the grant application timeline?

Here is the typical grant timeline. However, it is subject to change each year.

  • June 1: Application Opens
  • August 31: Application Deadline
  • October: Winners Announced

Can I mail you my application?

Applications are to be submitted through our new online portal, which is an easy process to begin. Also, you may save your application in the case you are unable to finish it allowing you to pick up where you left off at a later time.

If I win, will I get $30,000 all at once?

No. The grant will be awarded over a three-year period in the following schedule:

  • Year 1: $15,000
  • Year 2: $10,000
  • Year 3: $5,000

Is the grant only available for non-profit organizations?

Applicants must be an eligible 501(c)(3) organization. Employees, officers, and directors of Kennebec Savings Bank and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, promotion or advertising agencies, and members of their immediate family are not eligible to participate.

How will I be notified when grant decisions are made?

A Kennebec Savings Bank representative will contact all applicants.

Who makes the funding decision?

A Catalyst Grant Committee comprised of nine Bank employees will consider all applicants. Using Catalyst Grant criteria as its framework, this ad hoc group will decide which two applicants will receive funds. Decisions made by the group will be considered final.